Drug Information Services
- Our Doctors of Pharmacy can answer a wide range of medical questions from drug information to self care including:
- Side effect inquiries
- Dosing over-the-counter medications (e.g. Benadryl (diphenhydramine), Tylenol (acetaminophen), Advil (ibuprofen))
- Suggesting self care for sinus problems, allergies, smoking cessation, pain, and many other issues
- Teaching you how to use an inhaler, glucose monitor, or other medical device
- Sometimes your physician puts you on a drug that is not affordable – We can help! Our Pharmacists can:
- Find coupons (if you can use them) to make the drug more affordable
- Call your insurance company and see what drug is covered (or better covered) in that class
- Call your physician to recommend the change and get you a more affordable, but still effective, prescription sent to your pharmacy