

  • Pharmacogenomics is “the study of how genes affect a persons’ response to drugs”
  • Basically, not every drug will work the same way for every person. One persons’ body, due to genetics, may use a drug faster, slower, or not at all while another persons’ may do exactly what we would expect. Pharmacogenomics helps to cut out the guess work and make your drugs individualized.
  • This test would require a mouth swab to be sent to a lab and would give you an individualized report based on your genes. It would take about 1 week to get your results from when the swab is performed.
  • Not all drugs are affected by gene differences – we will check to make sure you are on specific drugs (or your physician is considering them) to determine if this test is right for you
    • Common drugs to test included clopidogrel (Plavix), eliglustat (Cerdelga), carbamazepine (Tegretol), ivacaftor (Kalydeco), several cancer drugs, seizure drugs and Hepatitis C drugs
  • This service requires a prescription from your primary care physician
  • Some insurances cover this under certain circumstances